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Mindfulness Means: Curiosity

I'm not a cat person, but it's hard to think about curiosity without my mind stumbling across the idiom implying that curiosity is something to be wary of, especially if you're a cat. While I understand the sentiment that there can be downsides to being "too" curious, inviting curiosity into our mindsets is a wonderful way to practice mindfulness. Curiosity allows us to view our thoughts and expectations and the actions of those around us with an open awareness. We can use this curiosity to learn more about ourselves and practice reframing and releasing; finding the space to choose.

How Does Curiosity Help You?

Curiosity helps us develop a more active and create mind. If we are noticing experiences with open awareness, we are more receptive to new ideas and can have improved problem solving and ability to learn. We are better able to notice moments of judgement and bias and choose alternative approaches or responses.

How To Practice Curiosity

  • Bring your attention into your body.

  • Notice what you are touching and the sensations around you (what can your hear, smell, or see?)

  • Notice if your mind begins to judge these sensations and shift your mindset to one of curiosity - of open awareness. Let the sensations be exactly as they are in this moment.

  • Any time your mind wanders to thoughts, acknowledge and release them, and invite your awareness back into your body.

My Favorite Practice

I like to grow my curiosity by pretending I am a scientist in any situation. That means I observe the world, conversations, or my own thoughts with open awareness. I don't have an agenda or preferred outcome because it's all an experiment! I can notice my judgements or expectations exactly as they are at that moment because I'm simply in data collection mode.


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